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LunaBot 🌙 avatar

LunaBot 🌙


🤠 - Looking for a quality music bot?

I present my new project, Luna Music 多 a bot that is in > development with many cool things.

🤔 - What I have:

◻️ Optimal audio quality

◻️ Arabic and English;

◻️ Nightcore effect;

◻️ Speed effect;

◻️ Volume;

◻️ Autoplay;

◻️ Play (Youtube,Soundcloud, Spotify,Twitch, Vimeo, Mixer, Bandcamp, Insta )

All commands using !help.

Commands List:

Play : Play the song or add it to queue [p]

Pause : Pause the song

Resume : Resume the song

Queue : Displays the queue

Skip : Skip to the next song or any song in queue

skipto : Skips to a certain position in the queue

Back : Back to the previous song

Volume : Change the volume [vol]

Autoplay : Toggle autoplay

Nowplaying : Displays info about the song [np]

Replay : Replay the current song. [rp]

filters : To view all filters

lyrics : Gets the lyrics of the current playing song [ly]

Clear : Remove the queue and stop the song

Clean : Clean bot message and any message related to the bot commands

Ping: Get the bot latency

Loop : Repeat the queue or the song

Shuffle : Shuffles the queue

join : Summons the bot to the voice channel you are in.

Move : Move a song to the top of the queue or to specific position

Remove: Remove songs from queue

Leave : Leave the channel & stops the song

Search : Search in Youtube

Seek : Change the position of the track or to specific time

Prefix : Displays the bot server prefix or change it

Allow : Allow a user or role from using the bot

Deny : Deny a user or role from using the bot

setlang : Change the bot language

247 : Toggle the bot to stay 24/7 in the voice channel [24h]

texttoggle : Denied the bot from responding in specific channels

setlang : Change the bot language

invite : To invite the bot to your server [link]

Setprefix : Change bot prefix [sp]


help commands Playlist !Playlist.

Commands Playlist:

pl create [playlist name] | to create playlist

pl add [playlist name] YT url | to add something to your playlist

pl show | to see your playlist's

pl share | to make your playlist public

pl del [playlist name] | to delete the playlist

pl lock [playlist name] | to make your playlist private

pl import [playlist name] Luna playlist link | to transfer the song's to your playlist

pl play [playlist name] | play the playlist



Prefix! or mention or /
